Ice Request Form
Travel coaches may request ice for their bucket or give back ice for dates they are unable to use their AYH ice. This ice is part of your ice bucket. If you have questions about your allotted ice, please reach out to the ice scheduler at or your travel coordinator.
To Give Back Ice
Send an email to the ice scheduler, Tim, at on which dates you'd like to give back. Please include all necessary team identification information, eg. Team Name/Level, Head Coaches Name, Managers Name, Date of Ice, Rink. Ice give-backs are time sensitive and required to be sent in before the give-back window closes. The ice is then given back to the Northtown Center if not requested.
To Request/View Available Ice
Viewing available ice is as simple as navigating to Teams > Ice > Available Ice > Schedule. Listed on the calendar are dates that are available for you to request to add to your bucket.
To request and ice slot, fill out this Google Form:
Ice for Sale
Notes | Date | Time | Minutes | Rink | Cost |
EXAMPLE TEST | 11/10/2023 | 12:00 PM | 60 | Rink 1 | $150 |
purchase ice
Purchasers of ice may be members of the public or members of AYH. If you would like to purchase and ice slot from the above list, fill out this form: